三维 Printing also known as Additive Manufacturing is becoming more and more widely used in our modern industry. No longer just limited to prototyping in specific industry sectors, 三维 Printing has been introduced on an industrial level in various applications and will be an entire part of the factory of the future.
Based on its long experience in silicone formulation, Elkem Silicones has been launching a project to integrate Silicones as a novel raw material into 三维 Printing / Additive Manufacturing.
Silicones are the material of choice in many industries due to their outstanding properties like biocompatibility, transparency, heat resistance and flexibility at low temperatures.
The brand that allows you to manage your own Additive Manufacturing/三维 Printing capabilities
AMSil™,有机硅材料知名品牌,专为增材制造/ 三维打印量身定做 AMSil™是Elkem Silicones开发设计的技术性,商品和服务项目组成,致力于适用在智能化生产制造转型发展和建立未来工厂的过程中将有机硅材料作为性能卓越原材料。 您是不是以前考虑到过在增材制造/聚氨酯弹性体零件/物件的三维打印中应用有机硅材料及特点? 可以营造具备100%有机硅材料特点的无尽设计方案吗? 生产制造不会受到容积限定且可持续性的量身定做的目标 提升零件的多功能性和产品创新的上市时间? 为您的商品和服务项目商品升值 Elkem有机硅材料已经摆脱提升,处在颠覆式创新的前沿 有机硅材料因为其优异的特性(如相溶性,透光性,耐温性和超低温柔韧度)而变成很多领域的优选原材料。 容许您控制自己的增材制造/ 三维打印作用的知名品牌
- 地址:广州市番禺区钟村镇钟荣路1号致业科技中心A栋3楼
- 电话:020-23830403
- 经理:赖先生
- 手机:13922125860
- 传真:86-020-23830433
- 微信:laiqiangping
- QQ:598362644
- Email:laiqiangping2010@163.com